WoW Gold Guides


Have you been leveling up and trying to come up with a solution on purchasing that epic mount? When we first started playing World of Warcraft, one of our biggest frustrations was the fact that we could not come up with enough gold. Honestly, at one point, we were going to quit playing the game simply because we could not come up with a gold making method. I. admit it, it seemed like it always took an entire day just to come up with 10 gold.

 I'm so glad even as frustrated as we were that we didn't decide to stop playing. Because our good friend and second cousin twice removed and went again accepted into our mediocre but World of Warcraft playing family, friend told us about some cool options we have in making gold.  And as much as he wanted to brag about how rich he was he told us it wasn't all his own idea he had actually purchased a really cool wow gold guide online.

Have you thought about getting a large amount of gold from that Chinese supplier? Let me just get this off my chest, “Don't do it”. Come on, use your head, why would you want to do something that could get your account banned? Not only that, but you're not learning how to do anything except burn through real-life money. You know the old saying you can give the man a fish and he can have a meal for a day or you can teach him how to fish and he can eat for life. Or something like that.

Why would you want to do something that is illegal when you could do something that is one hundred percent legal and much more fun? Let me repeat... You could face a large penalty (such as having your account banned) for buying gold. Why would you want to do that?

If you can’t buy gold, what else are you to do? This way, you can make sure you do not make any of those mistakes.

And I want to add that using the techniques we found in this World of Warcraft gold guide we were able to buy flying mounts we have always wanted. And if you want to be a really big hero spread the wealth around and get some of those flying mounts for your friends to!! Are you still here?

 I mean really are you still reading? Go get that guide and stop being poor!!! Go get your gold guide, click here.